Sadr Azma Sepahan Technical and Engineering Company was registered in 2004 and since 2009 it has officially started its professional activity regarding technology and manufacturing specialized parts and machines in the agricultural and livestock sector of the country. In 2011, this company succeeded in obtaining a membership license in knowledge-based companies and establishing itself in the scientific and research town of Isfahan University of Technology.

Sadrazma Introduction

Mehdi Azizzadeh
sale and trade Manager / Chairman of the BoardAgricultural engineering sciences student of Isfahan University of Technology Has executive and managerial background in the industry since 1993
Farhad Dehghanpour
Managing Director / Member of the BoardMaster of Metallurgy from Isfahan University of Technology Has an executive and managerial background in the industry since 1996
Ali Ravanestan
Factory Manager / Vice Chairman of the BoardElectricity specialist from the University of Hormozgan. Master of Professional MBA Business Management Has an executive and managerial background in the industry since 1998